Wrinkles that appear on the face due to aging are one of the things that women cannot avoid. Because the older you get, the less collagen your body can produce. Therefore, women must take more care of themselves so that the collagen that helps our skin look radiant and younger does not decrease. Today we will introduce the causes of wrinkles and the risk of collagen depletion, including methods of care that anyone can do.

Risk factors that cause collagen destruction
- Sunlight is the worst enemy of women because sunlight is full of UVA and UVB rays that can cause premature wrinkles on the โปรโมชั่น ufabet skin.
- Pollution, dust, and smoke that we encounter every day, if accumulated for a long time and not properly cared for, will cause collagen in the skin to decrease.
- Free radicals are another factor that can destroy collagen in the skin layer.
- Stress is another factor. If we are very stressed, our body will produce a type of hormone that will destroy the collagen in our skin.
- Things we do in our daily lives, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, or not getting enough sleep, are also one of the causes of collagen destruction in the body.
If we don’t want to lose collagen, how should we take care of it?
1. Avoid sunlight.
As mentioned earlier, one of the risk factors that greatly affects collagen loss is between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, as there is a lot of UV light during that time. So if you need to go out in the sun, you should apply sunscreen with SPF 50+ or higher to provide good sun protection.
2. Eat healthy food.
We should choose to eat food that has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, if you feel that it is not enough, you can supplement with products that contain collagen. And don’t forget to drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin moist.
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages,
coffee, and soft drinks . What we should avoid the most is alcoholic beverages and caffeine, such as liquor, beer, soft drinks, and coffee, because these will cause our bodies to lose water, making our skin dull. In addition, they also have negative effects on our health.
4. Always moisturize your skin.
Every time you wash your face, you should choose a moisturizer to help moisturize your skin. Focus on ingredients that nourish your skin, so your face doesn’t get dry.
5. Avoid crowded and polluted places.
If possible, we should avoid places with a lot of pollution, dust, and smoke because this is not very good for our skin, such as on the road or in areas where there is construction. These places are the main cause of premature wrinkles on our face.
For the collagen care methods that we have recommended, it is not difficult, right? Collagen helps the skin look firm, smooth, and much younger. In addition, it is also an important component in various organs of the body, such as bones, joints, tendons, teeth, hair, and bones, etc. Therefore, we should take the best care of it.